Margarita Stocker
/Birthdate: 7 February 1944
What is your occupation? Interpreter/Translator
What/when was your first climb? 2011
How many climbs have you completed? About a dozen
Why/how did you start? The YMCA Climb. As a challenge to myself.
Do you have a favorite climb? No
Least favorite climb? None
Why do you climb? Who knows!
Are there other sports you’re passionate about? Tennis and swimming.
How do you train? The Metro stairs and what ever is in my way.
Do you have a special relationship with any of your step-siblings? My daughter Veronica and grandson Mattias.
If we had numbers on our jerseys, what would your number be? 44
What would you like to tell others about yourself and your experience with stair climbing that might inspire them in their lives? Don't look up at the outside of the building. Or inside! And don't smoke!