Mark Trahanovsky
/Birthdate: 1 February 1959
What is your occupation? Sales / Marketing
What/when was your first climb? US Bank Los Angeles 2007
How many climbs have you completed? 54
Why/how did you start? Knee problems and Dr said I could not do impact sports
Do you have a favorite climb? Why? US Bank in LA. 1st climb, close to home and on a Friday night which gives you the weekend free.
Least favorite climb? Why? Denver. The mile high elevation gets to someone like me who lives at sea level.
Why do you climb? To model exercise and good health to others and my children.
Are there other sports you’re passionate about? Spin bike and elliptigo biking.
Did you have injuries or issues you needed to overcome to climb? Bad knees from decades of running on pavement.
How do you train? Spin bike, raised treadmill, elliptigo bike.
Do you have a special relationship with any of your step-siblings? All of them.
Who inspires you? Professional runners and cyclists.
Do you have a good luck charm or any superstitions or pre-race rituals? Pray with others thanking God for the opportunity to be healthy and ask for safety.
What's on your iPod during workouts/competitions? Bon Jovi, Rolling Stones, Springstein.
Do you have a website or blog for those interested in learning more about you? FB
If we had numbers on our jerseys, what would your number be? 8
What would you like to tell others about yourself and your experience with stair climbing that might inspire them in their lives? This sport is great for a busy lifestyle since it only takes 15 to 30 minutes / 4-5 days a week to train.