Troy R Alston
/Do you go by a nickname? I was given the nickname “Stair Master Flex” at work lol It’s kinda cool I
Birthdate: 15 March 1987
What is your occupation? Graphic Designer / Marketing Specialist
What/when was your first climb? 2010 Orlando Fight for Air Climb (25 Floors / 513 Steps)
How many climbs have you completed? As of April 23rd I have climbed in a total of 60 Climbs.
Why/how did you start? I started competing as a method of alternative training for the 400meter hurdles. As I kept competing I noticed how well I was doing and thought to myself just how far can I go? Since then I have been hooked on the sport (hint the number of climbs I have done thus far).
Do you have a favorite climb? Why? I would have to say the former Ft. Lauderdale Fight for Air Climb. That was the first climb I won and first course record I set. That race is my favorite because it opened my eyes to what I can do on the stairs. I tend to love short fast climbs just as I like short fast events on the track. Although I’m capable of running the distance, long events like the 5k and 10k are not my cup of tea, like wise long climbs are not either. However in the near future that may change. Only time will tell.
Least favorite climb? Why? Probably the Willis Tower, the primary reason is the fact you only have one rail for about 90 floors and when you finally get to use two rails, three floors equal one. But I love climbing so I would do that race again, just for kicks.
Why do you climb? I climb to inspire the hearts and minds of those I encounter at climbs and through my social media channels. I want people to look at my successes on the stairs, the track and life and push themselves to reach for new heights. Greatness is something that we are all capable of; it’s not just reserved for some. I also climb because competition makes me feel alive!
Are there other sports you’re passionate about? Track and Field, I will always be a hurdler at heart. I also love boxing and cycling.
Did you have injuries or issues you needed to overcome to climb? Climb related injuries? No, Track and Field? Yes! I strained my hamstring two times in the same season my senior year. Tough times, but thankfully tough times don’t come to stay, only to help shape us for the future.
How do you train? Training for me is very wide scale, I train on the stairs, lift weights, cycle, track intervals and of course I spend about two days a week at a boxing gym (some occasional sparring).
Do you have a special relationship with any of your step-siblings? Scott Stanley is at the top of the list. When I was first starting out in the sport I climbed primarily here in Florida. Most of the other climbers in other states and on the west coast I knew of via the Internet and results. But it was Scott that introduced me to the group on Facebook and extended the first invitation to Texas and other climbs as well. Over the years our friendship has grown. Sue Gasser is the next one on the list; I met her at a Florida climb as well. Just the sweetest lady and very supportive of my endeavors and the progression of the sport as well, over the years we have developed a tight knit as well. Since I started to venture out the list has doubled over the years! That’s one of the things I love about this sport is the people and relationships you build along the way.
Who inspires you? My mom is a huge inspiration and motivation to me and my sister. She set an excellent example of what hard work looks like and how to keep going even when the going gets tough which it typically does in the stairwell. I also find Floyd Mayweathers’s work ethic to inspiring. He spends as much time as possible honing his craft and talents, which is ideal not only for success in sports but in life as well! I also find the words of Ray Lewis, Les Brown and Eric Thomas very moving!
Do you have a good luck charm or any superstitions or pre-race rituals? Not really, I tend to bring a lot of habits from Track and Field to Stair Climbing. I watch what I eat the day before a climb, and the day of I typically have a pack of Gatorade Chews. Which probably does absolutely nothing…It’s habit, and so far the results have been pretty good.
What's on your iPod during workouts/competitions? Since I converted over to racing in spandex I no longer race with an IPOD, at the moment at least. However, when I’m working out I do and it really depends on the workout
Do you have a website or blog for those interested in learning more about you? Yes I do actually - my Facebook Page.
What would you like to tell others about yourself and your experience with stair climbing that might inspire them in their lives? There is nothing to hard if you approach it with prayer, hardwork and an unshakable determination! Don’t be afraid to fail, that’s life and it’s apart of the process. We are going to have shortcomings, however when we fail it’s an opportunity to begin again more intelligently.