Esteban Calvillo
/Birthdate: 29 April 1976
What is your occupation? I work at the J. Paul Getty museum maintaining the security/intrusion system. I work at both locations, the Getty Villa in Malibu and the Getty Center in Westwood. My work title is Senior security technician, I help out with the duties of other technicians such as locksmith, CCTV, radio system and badging office.
What/when was your first climb? My first climb was in 2010 at the age of 34 at the AON center.
How many climbs have you completed? In the past 6 years I continue to do my local climbs, the AON, US Bank , Brooksfield (CFF) and the TOWERthon. In 2015 I added the Hike the Halo climb.
Why/how did you start? Lisa Zeigel manages the gym at my work location (The Getty Center) and she mention the AON climb while I was working out in the gym, I was turning 34 (2010), I had never done anything like it and it sounded like an interesting challenge, so I gave it a try and got hooked.
Do you have a favorite climb? Why? My favorite climb is the TOWERthon because it feels more of a challenge and everything about it feels more satisfying. The event personnel make it easier for you to forget the pain you endure going up all of those stairs.
Least favorite climb? Why? I still do it, but my least favorite is the US Bank because it just has too many people climbing it.
Why do you climb? I climb because it helps me keep motivated and use it as a goal to keep me exercising and I also like to tell people about the climbs and try to get new climbers. I like the work that the different charities do for the community and others.
Are there other sports you're passionate about? I have started doing trail runs too, I just did a 14.1 mile trail run in Malibu Creek and felt great.
Do you have injuries or issues you need to overcome to climb? Thankfully I'm healthy, but I do suffer from gout. I have been pretty good in keeping it under control. I did miss the TOWERthon in 2015 due to a flare up on my ankle/foot, so I was looking forward to the 2016 TOWERthon.
How do you train? I train by running 5-6 miles on the treadmill & 3 miles on the stationary bike on high tension at least 4 times a week and also do trail runs and practice in stair cases at different locations such as Silver Lake.
Who inspires you? Lisa Zeigel at first, then I met other great stories of individuals that got into doing climbs such as David Garcia and Madeleine. And of course JANE! I never suffer from any health issues nor was I ever over weight, I just didn't exercise as much. When I started doing the climbs I learned so many stories of people dealing with health issue and losing weight that kept them motivated to do the climbs I had no reason to NOT do any climbs. So, I'm mainly inspired by everyone climbing to help the charity cause but also for personal joy and motivation.
Do you have a good luck charm or any superstitions or pre-race rituals? Not really, I just hope that I don't cramp at a climb.
What's on your iPod during workouts/competitions? I'm a music free type of person when I workout or do a climb, I like to just focus on my thoughts and be alert of my surroundings.
If we had numbers on our jerseys, what would your number be? 10
What would you like to tell others about yourself and your experience with stair climbing that might inspire them in their lives? I like to keep to my self and I'm more of a lone ranger. Sometimes I would like to break out and socialize more, but I enjoy alone time. Since I did my first climb and met people of different back grounds and different challenges I started to open up more and talked to people and tried to motivate them in challenging them selves to try something new and getting out of their comfort zone. I tell people that stair climbing is about self satisfaction of completing a race, but it turns into motivation to do better each time and also motivate others that think they can't.