Henry Wigglesworth
/Birthdate: 1958
What is your occupation? Lawyer
What/when was your first climb? Seattle Big Climb 2001 (?)
How many climbs have you completed? 15 (?)
Why/how did you start? My daughter Molly was an infant and I would wear her on my back and climb outdoor stairs near our house in Seattle. She would sleep while I got an excellent workout and enjoyed a beautiful view of Lake Union.
Do you have a favorite climb? Why? The Big Climb in Seattle. Best organized and most people.
Why do you climb? Because it’s there and I like to suffer.
Are there other sports you’re passionate about? Latest passion is running the mile.
Did you have injuries or issues you needed to overcome to climb? No
How do you train? Since Washington DC has no tall buildings due to height restrictions, I run up the escalators in the Metro. I know I am in shape if I can run up the one that is descending. The cops occasionally chase me off .
Do you have a special relationship with any of your step-siblings? I had a great rivalry with a Seattle firefighter named Zach Schade. Zach and I actually tied in one race, and he beat me several times by just one second. I used to see his name in the results and wonder who he was. When I actually met him, I was a tad disappointed that he was such a nice guy. That made it very hard to hate him and want to beat him!
Who inspires you? Abebe Bikila, thus I run up stairs barefoot.
Do you have a good luck charm or any superstitions or pre-race rituals? Nope.
What's on your iPod during workouts/competitions? What is an “iPod”?
Do you have a website or blog for those interested in learning more about you? Not yet.
If we had numbers on our jerseys, what would your number be? Double zero for license to kill.
What would you like to tell others about yourself and your experience with stair climbing that might inspire them in their lives? It is the most efficient way to get exercise and the toughest.